Pei-Lun Tsai 蔡佩倫 ( ツァイ・ペイルン )
台湾国立台北芸術大学卒業後渡米。アメリカ・ノースウェスタン大学(Northwestern University)音楽研究科修士課程 クラリネット専攻修了、その後博士号(UMKC)を取得。これまでに、母国台湾をはじめ、アメリカ、カナダ、中国、韓国、香港、ヨーロッパ各国において演奏し、その多彩な表現が高く評価されている。また、2011年から2015年にかけて、シュトックハウゼン・ファンデーションおよびバンフ・センターのアーティスト・イン・レジデンスに選出され、毎冬ドイツとカナダに滞在。現在、国内外の現代音楽オーケストラ・ソロ・室内楽・オーケストラ・アウトリーチ等、幅広く演奏活動をおこなっている。 クリスチャン・アカデミー・イン・ジャパン(CAJ)クラリネット講師、東京中華学校吹奏楽部顧問、国際クラリネット(International Clarinet Association)青少年委員(Youth Involvement Committee)、全日本学生音楽コンクール等の審査員も務める。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
A versatile clarinetist, Dr. Pei-Lun Tsai has performed widely as a soloist and chamber musician throughout the United States, Canada, China, Korea, Europe, Japan, and her native Taiwan. She holds degrees from the University of Missouri–Kansas City (D.M.A.), Northwestern University (M.M.) and Taipei National University of the Arts (B.M.). Her principal teachers include Steve Cohen, Jane Carl, William Chen, Pei-Yun Lin, and Wei-Te Sung. In addition to her studies with the aforementioned teachers, she has worked with esteemed clarinetists such as Lawrie Bloom, Anthony McGill, Suzanne Stephens (Karlheinz Stockhausen Foundation) and Ernesto Molinari.
Prior to receiving her doctorate, Dr. Tsai was also an artist in residence at the Banff Music Center, Canada during 2011~2014. In recent years, she was invited to perform at ACL-Korea International Conference and Festival, Malaysian Contemporary Festival (SMCC), ASEAN Nanning Music Festival, Thailand International Composition Festival (TICF), Seoul International Computer Music Festival, ICA Mid-American Clarinet Festival, Taiwan Weiwuying TIFA Contemporary Music Platform. Also, she was invited to give lectures in Beijing Central Conservatory of Music and Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
Dr. Tsai currently serves on the International Clarinet Association (ICA) Youth Involvement Committee, and teaches at International and Japanese schools in Tokyo. She is the Principal Clarinetist with the Euodia Orchestra in Tokyo.
Prior to receiving her doctorate, Dr. Tsai was also an artist in residence at the Banff Music Center, Canada during 2011~2014. In recent years, she was invited to perform at ACL-Korea International Conference and Festival, Malaysian Contemporary Festival (SMCC), ASEAN Nanning Music Festival, Thailand International Composition Festival (TICF), Seoul International Computer Music Festival, ICA Mid-American Clarinet Festival, Taiwan Weiwuying TIFA Contemporary Music Platform. Also, she was invited to give lectures in Beijing Central Conservatory of Music and Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
Dr. Tsai currently serves on the International Clarinet Association (ICA) Youth Involvement Committee, and teaches at International and Japanese schools in Tokyo. She is the Principal Clarinetist with the Euodia Orchestra in Tokyo.